Monkey Treats

Monkey Treats sounds so much better than "Healthy Banana Cookies", the real name of this recipe. I made this when all I really had on hand were three very ripe bananas. This is for earth mother Al and her banana loving family. REALLY healthy and very chewy. Next time I will probably roll them out between wax paper and cut them into bars for more of a granola bar feel. The cookie shape is misleading.
Oven 350
3 ripe bananas
2 c. oats
1 c. dates chopped (I used mini chocolate chips instead:)
1/3 c. vegetable oil (I used applesauce instead. If you do, grease your baking sheet)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
dash salt
Mash the bananas first, add everything else, drop on baking sheet and bake for 15-20 min.
The great fabric in the background is from Quilt Trends in Columbus. Thank you for the recommendation Cristin! And for letting me borrow your book! The store was great, I want to work my way up to the very hungry caterpillar quilt someday. But first, to make a bag!


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Em -- can't wait to try it!

Cristin said...

CUTE fabric! Have fun making your bag! Call me if you need any help! 6145961393 :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much!
I'm excited, it's in the washing machine right now and it seems like it's taking forever! :>

Anonymous said...

I just tried the monkey treats - SUPER yummy and super messy -- was I supposed to refrigerate before slicing? Oh, well, nothing wrong with a little chocolate mustache.... AL

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